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    May 21, 2024 | Posted by: Dani Radhaykissoon


    Why I Choose Health: Being a Vocal Advocate

    Daniela (Dani) Radhaykissoon, Supervisor, Strategy

    At PHM, our roles and reasons for being here are many. We’ve asked people to answer a few questions, letting us know a few of the things that make them unique, what they like best about PHM and of course, why they’ve chosen health.

    What is the best thing about working at PHM?

    The best thing about working at PHM is that no matter the challenge, we always make it happen! This is due to the unmatched talent on our teams, cross-capability collaboration and innovation, and the eagerness to see our meaningful work disrupt the norm.  

    If you could visit another PHM Office (Philly, NYC, CHI, LA) which would you like to visit most, and why? 

    Although I’d love to see my coworkers in the Chicago & Philly office (shout out to you all!), I haven’t spent a lot of time on the West Coast and Los Angeles feels like a fresh setting. Also, the food and weather are incredible so that’s a plus! 

    How do you make health and wellness part of your life?

    I focus on taking time to make homecooked meals using quality ingredients, stretching while binge-watching my favorite shows, and reflecting on my day by jotting down some positive notes or even think on areas of improvement.

    What are two things on your bucket list? 

    One of the top things on my list is visiting Japan. To me, Japan feels otherworldly and two of my favorite foods are ramen and sushi, so even more enticing to experience the most authentic versions of the two. Another goal of mine is mastering a second language. I’ve never been able to fully commit and continue my practice for any of the languages I’ve started so I’d love to learn. It would definitely come in handy one day. 

    What is your favorite podcast/current podcast obsession? 

    I’m an avid listener of all things true crime, and I’ve been tuning into the Crime Junkie podcast every Monday. These podcasters tell such a compelling story and use their platform to advocate for awareness and justice for cases that don’t get much media coverage. They also spotlight organizations and support groups for their incredible impact on cases and offer resources on what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation. 

    What is your favorite restaurant and why?

    Any time I’m in Williamsburg, I usually end up at Surf Bar with a tiki drink in hand! When you step into the restaurant, you’re greeted with sand-covered floors, surf décor, and a cool outdoor space to make you feel like you’re far away from city life. You can’t go wrong with anything on the menu, but my recommendations are the mussels, mahi mahi burger, ahi tuna poke and ceviche. Check it out if you’re ever in town, it’s one of those spots you’ll remember for a lifetime.

    Why did you choose health?

    Being raised by older parents with varying health conditions opened my eyes at a young age to not only the importance of health but also the fragility of health. This pushed me to be a vocal advocate during their appointments, deciphering treatment options and monitoring their lifestyle to ensure appropriate next steps. By witnessing the struggles of our healthcare system and the patient journey, these factors have fueled me to want to impact this category beyond just my immediate family. That’s why I’m here. 

    Connect with Dani on LinkedIn.

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    #phmlove#why I choose health